Langrisser Wiki

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Stage Name Treasure
Normal Elite
1-1 Prologue 15 Crystal 25 Crystal
1-2 Setting Off Speed Boots Trinity Voucher
1-3 Temple of Light 3x Friendship Voucher 3x Friendship Voucher
1-4 Battle at Kalxath Trinity Voucher Rare Crafter's Hammer
1-5 In Flames Trinity Voucher Trinity Voucher
1-6 Holy Ground Reitel Life Staff 30 Crystal
1-7 Demon's Sorrow 25 Crystal Rare Martial Spirit
2-1 Suspension Bridge 25 Crystal 35 Crystal
2-2 Old Warrior Aaron Swift Helmet Trinity Voucher
2-3 Vargas, the Valiant Rare Crafter's Hammer Rare Crafter's Hammer
2-4 Langrisser Greaves 35 Crystal
2-5 Ironwall Knights 30 Crystal Dragon Scale Armor
2-6 Emperor Bernhardt 35 Crystal 40 Crystal
2-7 Siege at the Port Dragon Scale Armor Trinity Voucher
3-1 Engaging Imelda 35 Crystal 2x Rare Crafter's Hammer
3-2 Dark Princess Trinity Voucher 45 Crystal
3-3 Alhazard's Revival Rare Crafter's Hammer Ghost Robe
3-4 The Sealed Key Feathered Light Armor 45 Crystal
3-5 Vengeance 40 Crystal Trinity Voucher
3-6 Mightiest Knight Trinity Voucher 2x Rare Crafter's Hammer
3-7 A Legendary Epilogue Rare Crafter's Hammer 45 Crystal
4-1 Forward Trinity Voucher Elven Bow
4-2 WANTED: Dead or Alive Ghost Mask 45 Crystal
4-3 A Veteran Blocking the Way 45 Crystal Trinity Voucher
4-4 Holy Sword of Legend 2x Trinity Voucher 2x Rare Crafter's Hammer
4-5 A Rueful Pursuer 50 Crystal 50 Crystal
4-6 Spare None 2x Trinity Voucher Scryer
4-7 Defense at the Iron Wall Mithril Armor 50 Crystal
5-1 The Fall of Kalxath 50 Crystal Trinity Voucher
5-2 Chaos Trinity Voucher 3x Rare Crafter's Hammer
5-3 Sister Sonya Rare Crafter's Hammer 60 Crystal
5-4 Dark Prince Crystal Anklet Feathered Hat
5-5 Scattered Stars on the Sea 60 Crystal 60 Crystal
5-6 The Ancient City of the Twin Towers 2x Trinity Voucher Trinity Voucher
5-7 Final Battle 2x Rare Crafter's Hammer Epic Crafter's Hammer
6-1 Escape From the Capital 2x Trinity Voucher 70 Crystal
6-2 Head to Salrath 60 Crystal Sentinel Emblem
6-3 Raid 2x Rare Crafter's Hammer 70 Crystal
6-4 Forest of the Dead Rune Axe Trinity Voucher
6-5 Imperial Guards 2x Rare Crafter's Hammer 2x Epic Crafter's Hammer
6-6 Siege of Baldea City Assault Ring 80 Crystal
7-1 Brave of the Fortress 60 Crystal 80000 Gold
7-2 Pursuit 2x Trinity Voucher 2x Trinity Voucher
7-3 Rall River Torrent Epic Crafter's Hammer 80 Crystal
7-4 City on the Lake 60 Crystal Twilight Armor
7-5 Dalsis City 50000 Gold 80 Crystal
7-6 Twin Towers Castle Epic Crafter's Hammer 100x BrillianceMithralStone
7-7 Stone Statue Town 100x BrillianceMithralStone 2x Epic Crafter's Hammer
8-1 Wolf Enclosure 2x Trinity Voucher 2x Trinity Voucher
8-2 Howl of the Evil Dragon Aeneas' Helmet 80 Crystal
8-3 In the Dark 70 Crystal 3x Epic Crafter's Hammer
8-4 Velzeria, the Forbidden Land Epic Crafter's Hammer 90000 Gold
8-5 In the Ruins 70000 Gold Epic Martial Spirit
8-6 Underground Temple 2x Trinity Voucher 2x Trinity Voucher
8-7 Dark Seal 70 Crystal 80 Crystal
9-1 Tiseo's Fall Epic Crafter's Hammer 90000 Gold
9-2 Chaos in Laffel 70000 Gold 3x Epic Crafter's Hammer
9-3 Sorrowful Swordsman 150x BrillianceMithralStone 150x BrillianceMithralStone
9-4 General Geier Dark Crown 80 Crystal
9-5 General Emerick 70 Crystal 90000 Gold
9-6 Double Enemies 80000 Gold 3x Epic Crafter's Hammer
9-7 Hilltop Reunion 2x Epic Crafter's Hammer Epic Martial Spirit
9-8 Southern Lushiris Gate 2x Trinity Voucher 80 Crystal
9-9 Wizard Attack 70 Crystal 2x Trinity Voucher
10-1 灼热的仪式 2x Epic Crafter's Hammer 100000 Gold
10-2 妖女 80 Crystal 4x Epic Crafter's Hammer
10-3 贤者法贝尔 2x Trinity Voucher 150x BrillianceMithralStone
10-4 圣兽 150x BrillianceMithralStone 90 Crystal
10-5 叛逃者迪欧斯 90000 Gold 100000 Gold
10-6 破邪之剑 80 Crystal 4x Epic Crafter's Hammer
10-7 佯攻作战 3x Epic Crafter's Hammer 90 Crystal
10-8 拉菲尔夺还作战 Oath of Justice Epic Martial Spirit
10-9 超古代兵器 2x Trinity Voucher 2x Trinity Voucher
11-1 男子汉波鲁兹
11-2 天空之战
11-3 美丽之都拉卡西亚
11-4 新的战争
11-5 再会死灵使
11-6 元帅的抉择
11-7 光与暗
11-8 疑惑
11-9 变幻的弗拉基亚